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  • Awards

  • Accreditations & Memerships

Our Vision

Transmutation will provide a sustainable small retail business outlet that educates customers to the concepts of reduce, reuse and recycle by only selling and manufacturing items that are made from recycled materials, have been repurposed or are items that dramatically reduce landfill.

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  • Kelly Shephard

    "Awesome place and people here. Not to mention the products and the story behind it is nothing short of amazing. Love your work guys!"

  • Mark Dayman

    "Phenomenal! A brilliant idea and proof that recycling can make wonderful products. Brad and Narelle, keep on being wonderful."

  • Murray Dancey

    "Amazing eco-friendly business, recycling waste plastic into beautiful artistic creations, also a wonderful range of eco products from around the world."

  • Carol Bentley

    "What this couple have built up here is an amazing testimony of their dedication to the environment."

  • Paolo B

    "Great shop making use of waste plastic to produce an amazing array of beautiful homewares and giftware. The owners are so warm, informative and friendly."

  • Monique S

    "Fantastic concept and brilliant quality products that make you look at everything you throw out, differently. Definitely worth a visit if you're in the area or passing through."

Transmutation literally means to transform and change and was used specifically in times gone by to describe the alchemical process of transmuting lead to gold. The plastic recycling workshop and retail outlet at Robe in South Australia takes the owners deep concern for the environment and transmutes it into action. Actions that take plastic waste and changes it into quality products that will last much longer than the original product and itself is designed to be recycled again.   Actions that aim to educate customers about recycling, reusing and reducing. Actions that show what our future treatment of waste products can be like and put a value on what we currently call rubbish. Our business revolves around our four pillars; Sustainability, Craftmanship, Community and Innovation.

  • Let's keep Australia beautiful

  • Let's keep our global commitments

  • Let's leave a better world for our children